2016 June SAP Official New Released C_BOBIP_41 Q&As in GreatExam.com!
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Are you worring about the C_BOBIP_41 exam? With the complete collection of C_BOBIP_41 exam questions and answers, GreatExam has assembled to take you through your C_BOBIP_41 exam preparation. Each Q & A set will test your existing knowledge of C_BOBIP_41 fundamentals, and offer you the latest training products that guarantee you passing C_BOBIP_41 exam easily.
Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: (The full version is in the end of the article!!!)
Which server processes dynamic recipient lists for publications?
A. Crystal Reports Processing Server
B. Report Application Server
C. Output File Repository Server
D. Adaptive Processing Server
Answer: B
A schedule request for a Crystal report is sent to the Central Management Server (CMS).
Which task does the CMS perform next?
A. Assign the request to a job server.
B. Add a record with the schedule information to the system database.
C. Request the report from the Input File Repository Server.
D. Send the report instance to the Output File Repository Server.
Answer: B
On how many hosts can a Server Intelligence Agent control services?
A. As many as the number of Central Management Servers
B. As many as the number of File Repository Servers
C. As many as the number of Processing Servers
D. One
Answer: D
Which server manages authentication?
A. Event Server
B. Explorer Master Server
C. Central Management Server
D. Input File Repository Server
Answer: C
In the BI launch pad, several viewing formats are available for Web Intelligence preferences.
Which format avoids the need for any additional software on client machines?
B. Rich Internet Application
C. Web
D. Desktop
Answer: C
Which of the following tasks uses the Adaptive Processing Server?
A. Run a schedule for a Web Intelligence document.
B. View a Web Intelligence document on demand.
C. View a workspace from Analysis Edition for OLAP.
D. View a Crystal Reports object on demand.
Answer: C
You want users belonging to a group called “Sales” to view report instances in a folder called “Asia”.
Where do you grant these rights?
A. User Security for the “Asia” folder
B. Application Security for the Central Management Console
C. User Security for the “Sales” group
D. Application Security for Crystal Reports
Answer: A
The Web Intelligence Processing Server has finished processing a document.
To which server is the document page sent so that it can be viewed?
A. Output File Repository Server
B. Adaptive Processing Server
C. Adaptive Job Server
D. Web Application Server
Answer: D
At GreatExam, we are positive that our SAP C_BOBIP_41 preparation material with questions and answers PDF provide most in-depth solutions for individuals that are preparing for the SAP C_BOBIP_41 exam. Our updated C_BOBIP_41 braindumps will allow you the opportunity to know exactly what to expect on the exam day and ensure that you can pass the exam beyond any doubt.
2016 SAP C_BOBIP_41 exam dumps (All 90 Q&As) from GreatExam:
http://www.greatexam.com/c-bobip-41-exam-questions.html [100% Exam Pass Guaranteed!!!]
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